Thursday, February 9, 2012

Roe v. Wade, a history lesson

So I have a friend (okay I have a fair amount of friends) but this one in particular is really bright. He also knows history. The history of energy, the history of Wall Street. He's actually quite adept in many topics.

I am jealous of him. When I am not jealous of his brain power, I can actually learn lots!

Today we were emailing about gay marriage and how if it reaches the supreme court, we think it might have a real shot on being law.

I sent him this article.

He fired back a history lesson. I have to admit, I never knew the Supreme Court vote on Roe vs. Wade. I was shocked. Now you will know the truth too and we will all be a little smarter. History is cool like that.

The Roe vs. Wade History Lesson:

Roe vs Wade was decided by a REPUBLICAN Supreme Court.

The verdict was 7 -2

Here is how they voted:

In Favor:
Douglas (D) nominated by FDR (D)
Blackmund (R) nominated by Eisenhower (R)
Brennan (D) nominated by Eisenhower (R)
Stewart (R) nominated by Eisenhower (R)
Marshall (D) nominated by LBJ (D)
Burger (R) nominated by Nixon (R)
Powell (R) nominated by Nixon (R)

Renquist (R) nominated by Nixon (R)
White (D) nominated by JFK (D)

So, that's 4 R's & 3 D's that voted in favor. Had it gone on
party lines with the Republicans against, it would have been defeated
5 to 4

History Lesson Over: Fascinating stuff, huh!

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